Primerishta Alert - Alerts and Notifications on Matrimony Profiles
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Prime Rishta Alerts

  1. What are Prime Rishta Alerts?
    Prime Rishta Alerts are notifications or updates regarding potential matches or rishtas that are available for a user on a matrimonial website or app.
  2. How do I sign up for Prime Rishta Alerts?
    To sign up for Prime Rishta Alerts, you will need to create an account on a matrimonial website or app that offers this service. Once you have created an account, you can enable Prime Rishta Alerts by going to the settings section and selecting the option to receive alerts.
  3. What kind of information will I receive in Prime Rishta Alerts?
    Prime Rishta Alerts may include information about potential matches, such as their age, location, profession, education, and other relevant details. The alerts may also include a link to the complete profile of the person, allowing you to view their photos and more detailed information.
  4. How frequently will I receive Prime Rishta Alerts?
    The frequency of Prime Rishta Alerts depends on the settings you choose. We offer weekly alerts orelse as soon as a new potential match becomes available.